Friday, May 4, 2012

Chapter 1

What is your first impression of Grendel? How different is he from the monster in Beowulf?


Vivi said...

First of all, before I even read the book, the drawings foreshadow the chapter in such a hidden way but so well. The first one was of a sort of tortured face, and Grendel did seem tortured in the first chapter. The first thing I noticed was that it seemed as though Grendel was dependent on the ram to inform him of whether or not the season has changed. It didn’t make any sense to me! He speaks of animals, except humans, so lowly, so stupid, so utterly blank minded, yet he holds an invisible importance in the ram, because, I’m assuming, his movements depend in the season, and the announcement of the season depends on the reaction of the ram. Therefore, without the ram, there is no action that Grendel would continue, this scourging of Hrothgar’s Hall.
I noticed that Grendel never really explained why he considered this feeding of his hunger in Hrothgar’s Hall a war. I wouldn’t understand it unless I previously read Beowulf, but it made the writing more mysterious in a way. His sultry type of outer silence gives Grendel’s inner voice more strength, more volume. Well, he does seem a bit like a teenager. He also…thinks…differently of humans compared to other animals. Yet, some mysterious anger fueled by an unknown source causes him to attack humans in a fit of rage that in his mind has the humans react as though he were a welcome guest? Or is it just his sick way of comprehending? Has he met the dragon before? I bet!
Does he like or not like being a monster? He has this conflicting, yet indecisive debate with himself in his head, liking, yet hating being the monster that he is. I mean, it’s not his fault! Who’s supposed to teach him what’s right and what’s wrong, morality, and consciousness, if he has a mother who sits and mourns her mistakes all day. Everything he has learned, he himself found out, judged for himself, poor thing. Because of this, he’s very intelligent in an innocent, naïve, unknowing way. Like a child who wants children but does not know of sex. His actions are part of an everlasting, flowing like water, experience to Grendel, everything a haze, everything a game.

William said...

Grendel seems to be a relatively nice monster compared to what he was made to be in the book. He plays with the animals in the woods the only way he knows how. He thinks that bashing the door down in Hrothgar's hall and watching the humans run around and bump into each other is funny. He seems to focus only on enjoying himself, and eating. He does have problems at home with his mother, which is probably why his sense of humor is slightly... Sadistic... But other than that...

Evan :) said...

I think and can see Grendal has crazy mood swings in this book. He can go from being sad, depressed and suicidal, to having the time of his miserable life by killing humans and laughing while doing it. Thennn back to sad and depressed and suicidal >:|. I also don't really know which version of Grendals' mom is the right one, (meaning the first told one) but this mom just sounds boring and depressing. The one in Beowulf was cooler, besidess when she was killing everyone :/. And I can see why Grendal has mood swings and is depressed, because his mom sucks. I also really like how you can see that Grendal isn't just a murderous monster, but he also has feelings and has a thought process. Like poems that he is thinking.

Anonymous said...

I really like Grendel in this book, from as much as I have read. He seems so violent and angered, but I would be too if I were a hated creature like he is. Something that you see in this book and not in Beowulf is his gain of intelligence and self. In Beowulf, he seems just like a thrashing grotesque monster, killing people for the fun of it. But in this story, you see this complete new side of him. It's almost loveable. I feel for Grendel. He is so sad, not knowing what he is or why he's there and the hidden references to humans and the evolution of people is really nice. Grendel is really smart and actually thinks. I like reading about his thoughts they're really complex and simple. It's interesting to hear about his customs and feelings and emotions that we know nothing about, growing up in a culture that is far different from his. Grendel is also really clever and sarcastic which shows his intelligence as well. It seems like Grendel would be a cool guy to hangout with, maybe he would be slightly pessimistic and mean, but it would be nice to have long talks with him it seems like he knows a lot. I also like the way it's written. It's very raw and realistic. Grendel's thoughts just flow out of his mouth and seem really crazed and disturbing at the same time. I feel like this new perspective of Grendel is very beautiful, even if he is a horrid deranged creature. There is something poetic about him that makes me want to be his friend but still be scared of him at the same time.
And if I were to see humans from his point of view, I'd hate them too.

~ Sophia

Vicente said...

Grendel doesn't seem so bad. He actually seems more intelligent than all of the characters. He has a lot of different emotions that he expresses which you wouldn't expect to see in a monster. He is very poetic which is my favorite part about this chapter. It's funny to think about a poetic monster but it is also very cool to see how Grendel reacts to all the actions made in this story. I also like how his mother is not as "pretty" or "attractive" as she is in the movie because it seems very odd that a "pretty" monster would make a monster that is "ugly".

Darby said...

In Beowulf Grendel seems like a raging idiot who ate humans because they were tasty. But in the first chapter, he already has proven that he is much more than that. He is very deep in his thoughts, though he is a little meanly sarcastic, a little... for lack of a better word, snarky. His thinking process is also very confused like. His thoughts and actions just happen and die. Like when you do something stupid to get something, and then you think about it a little later and think "How stupid..." his actions are sort of like that, such as with the ram. He tried to make it go away by yelling at it, but it just kind of stared at him and he just said "What ever..." and moved on.
Anyhow, my point is that Grendel is much more than we would have originally gotten from Beowulf, though his mind is dark and twisted a little... The weird thing is, that in Beowulf you would be cheering on Beowulf. In Grendel you would be sorta/maybe/yes/no cheering on Grendel. It all depends on the point of view, so therfore is kinda biased.

Charlie said...

It's interesting to hear things from Grendel's perspective. The difference between the impression one gets hearing things from his side and his portrayal in Beowulf as a mindless monster is so striking that I've already begun to forget it's the same creature. The things Grendel says aren't just amazing because they sit in stark contrast to the Grendel described in Beowulf though. For a monster with severe anger management issues he can be very insightful.
The writing is also great. This is probably the first thing I've ever read in which the author successfully uses present tense.

Sydney said...

In my opinion, I thought it was pretty weird to view Grendel's point of view, instead of the other way around. In Beowulf, the thanes made Grendel sound evil, mean, and selfish. On the other hand, from Grendel's perspective, he doesn't seem half as bad, but living in miserably and depressed. I find that Grendel is childish and doesn't know when to grow up, but can be understood in a way. After all, he was left alone to go and fend himself. Although the book did mention the mother, it didn't seem as she cared a lot for him, but that's from my perspective.

cormac said...

I like how different Grendel is in this story. It is a very different than his portrayal in Beowulf as being this whining annoying monster who rips people apart at any chance. In Grendel, he is smarter and there is more depth to the character. he is able to talk more, think and question his surroundings. So far, the reader is able to take him more seriously in this story. Grendel in Beowulf, however, is a loud, screaming terrifying beast who seeks revenge on those who antagonize him. I like that Grendel, in a sense has an actual voice. He has problems, but they aren't just that he is mad or angry, but he wonders why he is the only one of his kind. He is not human, like those who he choses to kill, he is not an animal like the ones he eats. The truth of it all seems to be hidden up to this point...

Julia said...

In Beowulf, Grendel seemed like an evil monster that you would find in your average fairytale. But in this book you can tell that he is not just that at all. He has deep and more intellectual thoughts. He wonders about his existence. Why was he put on earth? Why is he so much different from humans? He seems very sad too. He thinks of himself as a “disfigured son of lunatics.” And not to mention he is very lonely and his only friend is his own shadow. I like being able to hear Grendel’s thoughts and even though sometimes they are disgusting, I can’t wait to hear more of them.

Eliana said...

I really enjoyed reading this first chapter mainly because of how completely opposite the character of Grendel is portrayed. In Beowulf, Grendel is a heartless, thoughtless, man-eating monster. In Grendel, he is philosophical, sarcastic, and quite intelligent. He knows what he's doing before he does it and realizes his actions are monstrous. Besides being very thoughtful and contemplative, Grendel is incredibly angry and violent. He yells and curses at things as if they'll respond. Grendel is also a very depressed character. He questions the world, why it is the way it is, and why he is the only one of his kind. I think these mixed emotions and personality traits would be natural if you were a solitary monster-like creature. They also create a cycle, in which Grendel lives his life. His sadness causes anger, which results in sarcasm and more anger, which causes sadness again.
Besides enjoying the different side of Grendel we get to see in this book, the writing is beautiful. The way the words flow and the thoughts are written is very poetic. You can picture things easily and no matter how complex the thoughts are, they are simple to understand.
Overall, my feelings for Grendel have changed immensely and I'm inspired by the way this book was written.

Jack said...

I found Grendel to be a lot smarter and intellectual than the Grendel that is portrayed in the original Beowulf story. As well as being smart and poetic he is extremely emotional. In Beowulf the reader is given the thought that Grendel is the stupid one but in the book Grendel it is the humans that are seen as stupid. I cant wait until we see more characters and how they are depicted throughout the book.

Anthony said...

I think that this first chapter in the book really shows the reader depth in Grendel's personality and lifestyle. In the story " Beowulf", Grendel is seen as an uncontrollable hideous creature who does nothing but slaughter people. So far, in this reading, I have perceived Grendel as a being with thought, emotion, reason and sarcasm. I think it is interesting how Grendel accepts himself as a friendless monster, yet he feels superior to men. In this first chapter, Grendel questions his existence, and feels that it is unfair that he is so unloved. I never would of thought of the "bad guy" as being so complex and intellectual.

Noah said...

I am very familiar with the emotions Grendel’s emotions as I am sure most of my fellow readers are. He seems frustrated and almost self-loathing of himself for being this monster, and having so many unanswered questions that plague him. He also has an acceptance of his own identity, acting almost, boastful of his own terrifying and monstrous persona. I feel very empathetic towards Grendel, sympathetic toward him because of his inner rage and bitterness.
His capacity for such knowledge and complicated concepts surprises me. He demonstrates knowledge of pattern making, but is beyond that, passing it off as siillyness. He also develops an understanding of sarcastic and black humor. He is different in his thoughts than in the book, yet his own actions remain very similar to the Anglo-Saxon tale.

Madeleine said...

To me, Grendel's most endearing characteristic is his extreme sarcasm. In the original story, Grendel's role is big scary monster that kills stuff; no personality is mentioned. Although he's obviously a complete maniac, he's aware of it. He makes dark jokes about it, and he doesn't try to delude himself. He seems to be capable of remarkably intense emotions, and his mood swings only emphasize that. Grendel is surprisingly verbose, and in another life he probably would have made a good actor.

Cameron said...

I think that this book is beautifully done. John Gardener has written this book in a way that doesn't make you feel love or compassion towards Grendel, but at the same time makes you realize that (unlike in Beowulf) he can do much more than just blunder around eating humans. He's a thinker. That much we know from the first page; but what he thinks about is what really intrigues me.
Grendel does not feel pity for himself, not in the slightest, on the contrary you find yourself reading about how much he hates what he is. He thinks about how he is neither man nor beast, but a grotesque hybrid. In the way it is written, though, I feel like he isn't complaining about his miserable life, but questioning it...
His intelligence shines throughout the chapter, but not his creativity. He scorns the humans for making their "lunatic theories", but I feel like that is because he himself has none; and doesn't understand it.
I'm loving the book so far!

LoReN said...

In Beowulf, Grendel is portrayed as a monster with no purpose but to kill humans and eat them. He wasn't given a personality like a real character, but was just a challenge for Beowulf to take on in the story. In the book Grendel, he is a depressed, sarcastic beast who looks down on humans and animals. Now I understand that he is unsatisfied with his life and had made the most of it by getting angry at animals and killing humans. I think that since Grendel is basically alone, he is angry and finds it hard to appreciate life since the humans have each other and their religion to keep them going even when they were being killed by Grendel.

Charlie said...

It's a feat to make the beast from an ancient hero tale into a philosopher but to make him cute, as is done in the second chapter, I would think impossible had I not read it. It's also interesting to see the exact moment when Grendel's questioning of existence begins, although it seems like an odd thought to have while hanging from a tree and being charged repeatedly by a bull. Speaking of said bull, although they seem so far to have no larger significance, the incorporation of zodiac signs into the chapters is very interesting and provides if nothing else something fun to look for.

Charlie Dedlow said...

Grendel is a very interesting character in the book. He has a lot of mood swings and seems to be a little crazy. He also switches back and forth from talking about eating little children and killing people to watching the deer in the forest and taking walks around. He is very strange the way he acts and talks. It was funny how he can scare himself just by yelling and acting scary. Grendel is a very interesting and deep character and i cant wait to learn more about him.

cormac said...

Blog 2
The story of Grendel continues to shock me. As the story progresses, I keep learning new things about the character. What he says, thinks and does is still completely new to me in the sense that he is wondering what the hell is happening around him? what is he? And why is he there? Stuck in a world full of malevolent creatures and countless men who know absolutely nothing about him, yet hastily make assumptions about how Grendel, this unfamiliar monster, will kill and mutilate them. I think those assumptions just lead to him building up hatred and impatience for these men. This all backs up the reasoning behind him mercilessly killing and eating these people.

Max F said...

The portrayal of Grendel in Beowolf is, in my mind too stereotypical of what we think of monsters as. In this story though, you begin to understand all the thoughts and decisions leading up to what he did. Grendel is a smart, emotional and knows more of what’s going on then most of the other characters. I also like how they portray his mother as a ugly, foul being instead of a sexual goddess. I still don’t know who’s side to be on Grendals or Beowolfs, but as the story continues I bet I will be able to root for one of the two using information from both parties in order to make my decision.

Devon said...

My first impression of Grendel was that he was depressed, sad, and angry. Although he is, he is also funny, sarcastic, and overall interesting. His depression and sadness make it dramatic (my opinion) while the funny, sarcastic breaks keep me reading and interested. In 'Beowulf', he was a mean, ugly, raging lunatic monster, but in 'Grendel', he is a lot more. I thought that he also might have bipolar disorder, then I remembered that he's a monster, not a human. He also says that his brains are not squeezed shut like the ram's (SECRET VIRGO HAS BEEN FOUND!).
All in all I think he is an interesting character and I can't wait to read more about him.

Chris said...

Grendel to me is still open for judgement. I am not quite sure weather or not I agree with his perspectives on things. He is a pessimist, and often pessimism is accurate, but in all the points he has made about his own situation and feelings, there is a little hope left to be desired. I'm not sure his apparent lack of respect or even acknowledgment of life will serve him well throughout his own.

Matthew Mannucci said...

In this book, I think that Grendel really gets a different light shed on him. In my opinion, Grendel just seemed like an angry violent monster. When you read this book, even in just the first chapter, you see that Grendel is a creature of intelligence and emotion. When I read the first chapter, I really started to feel bad for Grendel because his mother seems odd and he doesn’t have anyone to have a real relationship with. You can see this especially when he says his only friend is his shadow. I also like how Grendel talks about religion as “lunatic theories.” I like the way he talks about them like that because if anyone or anything that was intelligent could see religion, they would probably think the same thing. Grendel sees religion as some odd theories and rituals that don’t have any meaning or substance behind them whatsoever. When humans that do believe in religion see these rituals and such, they see it as something that actually does have substance and meaning. I just really think that Grendel’s point of view on religion is really something that an outsider of the human race would think. I also think that at this point in the book, Grendel seems just like a person that is lonely and has no real connected relationships with anyone.

Robin said...

As we read Beowulf, we get this idea of Grendel in our heads and we learn to see him as a hideous monster that only wants to cause harm to people. However, the people in Beowulf misunderstand him completely. All they can see is a grumpy monster with a headache who vents through mindless murder.
We learn in Grendel that he is actually a lot more complex than that. He thinks, and not just about what we think might go through a monster’s head. He clearly doesn’t love his life and he refers to it as his “idiotic war” on page 5. He spends a lot of time talking out loud, whether directing his speeches toward the trees, the rocks, or the sky, they never responds and this frustrates him. I think this is just another sign that he is extremely lonely. Living on your own with a mother that doesn’t talk to you would do that.
He doesn’t see himself as almighty, or try to convince himself that he is better than the idiotic, undignified animals in the forest, but at the same time, he is not ashamed of who he is, for it I something that he can’t control. He can be a little over dramatic and he seems to even scare himself occasionally, but he is smart and logical as well. When he shouts and it echoes of the chasms on page 10, he reminds himself that they are inanimate and that the sounds coming back at him was merely his own shriek.
Don’t be fooled that Grendel is not a monster. He is not a stranger in Hothgar’s meadhall and he finds their fear and death amusing. He will eat all night and be happy, but then in the morning he goes right back to being his depressed self. However, I think that in this book we see that Grendel has a right to be angry and depressed and to try to find amusement through other’s fear. I mean, if you were a monster living alone and everybody except your mother hated you, don’t you think you would be sad and angry too?

the last one said...

I don't think that Grendel is really a cruel,cold hearted monster. To me he is a really thoughtful kind of human type thing. He philosophizes about everything. By doing this he seems to become really depressed.
Grendel dosent seem to show the villagers this version of him when he comes down to try and eat them. I dont get this. He goes down to kill, he comes back up to the mountains to eat, then he sits and cries about his life. He is also really dramatic. Grendel shows his emotions by throwing them into the readers face. I like this about him. He doesnt care that he might commit suicide, but he does care what other think of him. thats the only thing that makes me confused

Bailey said...

Grendel was defiantly portrayed different in this book than he was in the book Beowulf. In this book Grendel is looked at as a nice, good, friendly, and playful monster. Compared to in the book where he is looked at as very mean. There are also many things that Grendel thinks to himself are funny, which never happened in Beowulf. This book defiantly shows a different side of Grendel, which I like this side more overall, but i think him in the other book was more interesting.

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